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Arabian Princess 54"x 48" oil Angus -Cross Heifer Bazza 14" x 14" oil Pigs 9" x 12" oil
11" x 14" oil
Old Tom 9" x 12" Rabbit & Willow Tree Baby Bear 1 Baby Bear 2
acrylic 9" x 12" oil 8" x 10" oil 8" x 10" oil
Donkey 10" x 12" oil Cabin 18" x 18" oil
Does He Realize? 48" x 36"
New paintings;Coco 14" x 11" acrylic
Girl with Dogs
14" x 11' acrylic (both)
Visiting Cow, 9" x 12" acrylic
Sleeping Sheep. 9" x 12
In the Wind, 10" x 8" oil
acrylic 11" x 14"
This is one of three bears who cleared off all the apples from my tree one day a few weeks ago.
This one painted in oil, 2' x 3', was particularly shaggy. Most of our bears are black or dark brown. i believe that i saw this one across the road from my house a few years ago. Because of the lack of berries this year they are probably hungry.
New paintings: The first is a scene from behind my house in October, (It is a large, 3'x2' canvas) The second and third are" "Used and Abused" and "Native Boy." the first two are in oil and the last is in acrylic.
News: My apple tree was devastated last night. A small bear was seen up in the branches earlier. So much for my apple crop this year.